Theories and applications of counseling: Systems and techniques of counseling and psychotherapy.

Theories and applications of counseling: Systems and techniques of counseling and psychotherapy

Donald Tosi ; Steven Leclair ; Herman Peters
Client-centered therapyTheory discussionEnglish
Book - Paid access


Representing both classical and contemporary systems, the twelve theories of counseling and psychotherapy described herein are classified into sections on psychodynamic, existential-humanistic, cognitive-behavior, and systems and family perspectives. Each theory is presented systematically and covers historical and philosophical aspects as well as principles of assessment, treatment planning, implementations, and evaluation. The theories discussed are: Bordin's ego developmental theory, Adler's individual psychology, Berne's transactional analysis, Rogers' person-centered counseling, Perls' Gestalt therapy, Frankl's logotherapy, Thoresen's intensive counseling for self-efficacy, Ellis' rational emotive therapy, and Glasser's reality therapy. A unique section on systems and family perspectives also includes the works of Satir, Watzalwick, and Minuchin.

Year of Publication
Series Title
Theories and applications of counseling: Systems and techniques of counseling and psychotherapy.
Number of Pages
American Psychological Association
ISBN Number
0-398-05345-6 (Hardcover)

APA citation

Tosi, D., Leclair, S., & Peters, H. (1987). Theories and applications of counseling: Systems and techniques of counseling and psychotherapy. In Theories and applications of counseling: Systems and techniques of counseling and psychotherapy. (Vol. 9, p. 369, ). American Psychological Association.