Teaching research in Gestalt Therapy trainings

A Series of EAGT Webinars

The third webinar will be on November 24th 6pm to 8pm CET and will be dedicated to Level 1 Research Competencies. Contact researchcommittee@eagt.org for joining it.

Know more about the webinars


The Research Committee (RC), the Professional Competencies and Qualitative Standards Committee (PC&QSC), the Training Standards Committee (TSC) and the Training Institutes Chamber (TIC) are pleased to inform you of a series of EAGT free webinars on the topic of supporting the introduction of research into the training programmes of EAGT member institutes.

These webinars are aimed at interested institutes and trainers to help them creating or mending their own method for introducing research into their curriculum. They are open to any EAGT member, professional organization and institute.

These webinars are not training courses as such but presentations by Gestalt trainers of their own experience in implementing research training. 

They will be organized according to three levels of competencies, in conformity with the document "Prospects for Introducing Research in Gestalt Therapy Training Programs", produced by the RC with the support of the TSC and the PC&QSC and approved by the GB.